Marion Newman



Pronouns: she/her/hers

The journey I have been on as a performer of both well-established favourites and truthful, often painfully so, new works dealing specifically with cultural stories and Indigenous realities has helped me to grow into a more out-spoken, listening, caring, and inclusive human. The realization that increased understanding and support is absolutely necessary while living in these truths and while recovering from telling these stories after the curtain has dropped has led me to Amplified Opera; wanting to make a difference by being the example of what I believe a company can be. Setting the stage for creators and performers to tell their stories in the way that is most meaningful, respectful, and dramatic and as a result, more accessible to audiences. 

My journey to opera came from a deep cultural belief in storytelling through song, both on my Kwagiulth and Stò:lo side and on my English, Irish, Scottish side. Starting out as a pianist I already had an understanding that music is a language that connects us beyond culture, age, and time. Opera opened my world as a performer to include text and my love of working with a community: a family of other artists. It has become my favourite art form to engage in as a singer, actor and ideas generator. Playing the variety of roles has allowed me to take on parts of each character, learning from their mistakes and gathering power from their strengths.

I hope that this role, working alongside such inspiring and talented colleagues will allow for the part of me that has always been the big sister, the nurturer, the supportive audience member, and enabler of art to take her place among the many other characters that make me who I am. I look forward to sharing what Amplified Opera engages in with all of you.